CfP: Women’s work in the rural areas: a long-term perspective (XII-XXI century) (Event, 12/2015, Turin); DL: 30.06.2015

imageFirst Conference of the European Labour History Network (ELHN) (Web)

Time: 14-16 December 2015
Venue: Turin, Italy
Deadline: 30 June 2015

Women’s work and more broadly the gender history are fields of research that during the last few years are achieving a greater importance in the historiographical debate. The political, economic and cultural role played by women in the ancient régime societes and in the contemporary ones represents a new and stimulating topic, able to give a new importance to women for a long time victims of a “male” historiography. At the same time, this change in the research perspectives can be considered a symptom of a broader new reflection on specific historiographical categories and of a greater flexibility in the historical analysis that has in the research of the complexity one of his fundamental paradigms. This panel wants to be a summary of these elements: the aim is to gather the themes of the Global Labour History and the role played by women in the labour market, focusing the attention on the rural areas. Read more and source … (Web)